Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Questions

1. I chose Velazquez, Albrecht Dürer: Image of a Master, The Drawings of Michelangelo and La Primavera because all of the titles appealed to me and seemed to be topics I wanted to learn more about.
2.Velazquez: velazquez was a genius when it came to painting and depicted his subjects with shadowy/smokey colours and paintings. he chronicled the life of king phillip the fourth.  he is part of the ,  the quartet of the greatest painters of Spain along with El Greco, Goya, and Picasso.
 Albrecht Dürer: Image of a Master: Durer was a key artist in the northern renaissance.  it is said that the renaissance in italy  may be in part due to his contributions as well as his ideas traveled to Germany.  The self portait of 1500 is a very famous painting by him
 The Drawings of Michelangelo : He was a key artist in his lifetime and even today, his drawings and final works can be compared better in this video thatn in a museum.  He is most famous for the sculpture of David and the painting of the sistine chapel.  He changed the world of art forever with his techniques and style
La Primavera: this painting was irratic and new and some see it as controversal but it was an epic painting by boticelli in this time period, the techniques he used also helped with how important the painting was.
3.These videos share some key concepts that are present in the text such as drawings of michelangelo that techniques and actual drawing are described also his importance to his period.  Boticelli's La Primaver is described as how it was created a how it was an emblem to the renaissance.
4.I liked all the films but in some points they seemed to drag along.  I think that the films helped me understand key concepts better especially the drawings of Michelangelo video.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Video Questions

1. I found these three videos to be the most interesting.  I judged the movies by the titles and I like these 3 the best.  Also, I chose the last 2 because I am interest in ancient Greece.

2.  More Human Than Human Images are created to make sense of the world around us, just like the caveman did with their art.  All art depicts the Human body to be perfect and to be something it is not, and it all started in Austria.  All over the world parts of the human body, in ancient times, were enlarged or depicted as more important where others were completely ignored.  I remember this Brain Scientist from an earlier week this semester.  Art is a stimulus.  Egyptians were the first settled civilization to use the human body extensively.  Egyptians created human bodies the way they did because it was part of their culture.  The trend of creating realistic sculptures of humans did not last very long and this is because the primitive instinct of humans to exaggerate things inhibits the interest of creating realistic images.  The Kritios Boy may be thought of as boring, that’s not what art is, it did not satisfy.  A Greek artist captured an athlete into four quarters, and two halves creating something more human that human.
A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript the first books were only produced by those who could read and write which were only holy men.  The first books took a very long time to put together by scribes who would not only have to write and put them together but, they had to teach the books.  Monks had to write ideas because they could not talk to eachother.  Scribes would start the day by writing a sentence that had all letters in it, and then have a prayer.  It was believed that the devil’s scribe would haunt scribes and be the reason they would mess up.  The first Liberal Arts Universities kept book for students.  Books became something for those at the top of the hierarchy.  Along came the printing press and moveable type that changes the world of books forever.
The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century BC To understand our lives and architecture, art, politics, philosophy etc we need to understand the history of Greece.  The architecture of then is key in the architecture we use here today.  The great awakening was the time in history of Greece when animals and humans were depicted realistically.  Theatres and comedy began in Athens.  And politics would also use the theatre.  Man is in control of his own destiny.
The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure The ancient Greeks were obsessed with the ability of form and soul of the human body.  The human mind and condition were tried to be depicted in the sculpture.  In the 6th century the Greeks moved away from the Egyptian style and moved toward the realistic forms of the human body, make an individual person.  Pottery was not considered great art but, was considered everyday art. Greek culture took over the Mediterranean culture, and eventually the whole world.  In the 5th century humans became the central object of all art. The Olympia Museum holds some of the best sculpture from this time.  All sculptures conveyed an exceptional amount of movement. 

3. Ancient Greek art was also described in the text as well as in 3 of the videos.  In more human than human everything in the video was described in the text that I read, what really stood out as similar was the discussion of Ancient Egyptians and the way the athlete was sculpted after the stage of realistic art in Greece.  I remember something in the text about how Priests would put together that readings so, that kind of relates to the video about books. 

4. Some of the films got a little dry, I did not enjoy the one about books.  The 2 videos about ancient Greece were very interesting and helped me to better understand the readings because I was seeing and hearing rather than reading.  The first video was very helpful because it covered almost all the topics covered in this week.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

Video Questions

Q:  For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Prairie Style:  Frank Lloyd Wright began Prairie style, an open horizontal living space.  The big concept is floating horizontal lines.  Wright tried to make the experience of entering his house a different kind of experience and always tried to create a differing layout for houses.  His houses were not on the landscape but part of it and of it.  His houses have many open spaces including picture windows with great views.  
Architecture: The Science of Design: In major cities architects have been prompted to build skyscrapers and high rises because of lack of space.  A skyscraper is made up of the superstructure and the substructure.  Some high building sway in the wind by even a meter.  There are smart houses now that are all connected by one computer and work all together.  Reinforced concrete can be used for odd shaped buildings because of its properties.
Classical Architecture: Greek and Roman empires architecture has influenced much of modern Europe and Americas architecture.  The Queen’s house in Grenich looked as though it was from Italy.  Some architects have tweaked the Roman architecture as their own.  The column was explained, each part.  Romans invented a sort of concrete and invented the arch and the vault.  Romans were able to use columns within the building rather than outside of the building all the time.  The Bank of England can be shown with a computer and is quite extravagant.  Post modern classicism seems to poke fun at the old order of architecture.  Most architecture techniques that have survived from Roman and Greek empires is sought after even to this day.  
Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture: People do not think they can do anything about climate change but, they really can.  Sustainable development may be referred to as a revolution.  There are so many systems that can be used that minimize the harm on the Earth.  Roof gardens can be made.  The biggest difference can be made in the city, it is more than just recycling and new forms of energy.  Even highway gardens are made and are needed, proven by how much house prices went up.  Green washing may not be helping, companies need to help the public learn more about how to do something sustainably green.  Organic buildings can be made all over the world with very little metal.  Bamboo is very sturdy but, may still need concrete inside to build houses. Combining new techniques with traditional materials may be the best answer.  Sun, air, water,  the Earth itself, minerals and fire allow us to live the way we do.  As architects they must build and plan building that enable the public to live like they do.

Q: How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
A:   The video classical architecture described the pieces of a column and that was also described in the text. Last call for planet earth had thought about sustainable development and I remember reading something about that in the architecture part of the text.  Frank Lloyd Wright was also described in the text as well as the Prairie style video.   

Q: What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
A:  The films help me understand some of the terms and knowledge behind architecture.  I was able to get a better feeling of what architecture really is because before this I had never really been taught much about the area. 

Q: From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film? 
A:  I chose that film because I thought from the title that it would be about green architecture which is something that I am very interested in.  I am very environmental friendly and cautious when it comes to everything so I wanted to learn more about it.  And the titles of the other videos did not seem interesting to me at all.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Installation Art Project

 Step 3
A. What is installation art?
A. an installation is a work where the entire space is used and it is three-dimensional.  The work can be entered and explored because it is off the wall and everything in the space is part of a single work.
B. What materials are used installation art?
B.In installation art any material can be used including natural things or everyday things such as icicles and tevlevisions.
C. Why make installation art? 
C.  Installation art is a way of expressing a theme in three-dimensions rather than making a single flat painting or a gray sculpture there can be many materials that all come together to encapsulate the point of the work.  The artist has much more freedom I think to be creative and use everyday materials.  
D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?
D. The installation I found most interesting from the text was Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirshhorn because it was so out there and over the top when I saw the picture and if it had not been described to me I would definitely have no idea what it was about. 

Step 4
A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?
A. Like I said earlier the work that really inspires me to think outside the box is Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirshhorn.  I think I have a connection with it because of all the elements involved and for the message it is trying to get across.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text)
(Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)
 B. I am not sure which theme I would like to explore because my first idea does not seem to fit into any of the themes except maybe Looking Outward: The Here and Now if I really stretch it.  Perhaps my second idea would fit into the theme of Politics and Social Order but, I fell more confident about my first idea.

 C. What materials will I use?
 C.  For my first idea which I think I have decided to go with I will use: mine and my boyfriends dirty laundry, the materials I use to wash them, the hamper and an empty towel rack.

 D. Where will this installation be located and why?
 D. This installation will be located in my washroom because that is where our laundry sits waiting to be washed everyday and I feel it is the most appropriate place for it.  Mostly I chose the washroom because it is the room with the open space to have a good picture.


Describe your installation:  My installation is called Laundry Day and it shows how much laundry I have to look forward to in the next day or two.  There are clothes of all different colours, and the materials I used to clean them all and then behind the hamper overflowing there is an empty towel rack which also represents that I am out of towels and it needs to be done.  The work was done in the washroom which I feel is an appropriate place for dirty laundry.

Analyze your installation:  My installation definitely uses colour and a lot of it.  This shows how many different articles there are to be done.  The size of my pile of clothes shows something that most likely a lot of college students go through, laundry day, because of all the homework and everything else some things get neglected, clearly in this case it was my laundry.  My work also uses variety and unity because there are a variety of different clothes but they all seem to come together to form this overflowing pile.  Balance is used in the manner of the clothes being balanced precariously on top of one another.   I created texture with the bright yellow dryer ball because they are spiky and hard compared to soft clothes.

Well, the planning of a site specific installation did not really seem to be that hard because I tried to find materials that were already at my disposal and the site just kind of fell into place.  The creation was fun because I could do whatever I wanted and there was not anyone who could tell me that I was doing it wrong, it was nice to plan something and create it without there being a right or wrong answer; it was very freeing. 

My Installation Laundry Day

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Peer Reviews of Blogs

1. These are the blog posts I commented on:

2. I agreed with all of the pictures both artists used.  I noticed in Ryan that his picture for unity may also be used for variety because I saw each hanger have something different on it but it still seemed to fit together. I noticed in some of  the pictures in the other ones I feel like they may be interchangeable such as her variety and unity picture.

3. In both blogs the only similar images was The Old Mill by Vincent van Gogh.  Kat and I seemed to have the same idea of it reminding us of something, even though I am not sure if that is one of my reason written down I know this image reminds me of my home.

4. I think that the image Carcass of Beef that Ryan had on his blog now peeks my interest.  As I said in my comment I wasn’t too sure of this image on my visit so I just walked by and dismissed it as something gross but, now that I read what he had to ask about it I am wondering the same things.

5. I think that this definitely is valuable in my learning process because I get to see different points of views and different opinions about the same things that I have done.  It is nice to read and view what other people have done with the same instructions.
6. I think that my peers comments are helpful, it is nice to know that people think I have done a good job as well J

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 6 Video Questions

Q: For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
A:  Installation Art:    Installation is that the artwork takes over the space and defines the space and are 3 dimensional.  They force the individual to interact with them. The concept is only from 30 years ago and began witht he Frenchmen.  The video camera become quite big in the creating of installations, now video installations are popular.  Installations are quite controversial.  It has taken art off of the walls.
Glass and Ceramics:  Glass is everywhere and is made from sand.  Glass is not a solid but a liquid.  Silica forms crystals that are united by regular bonds.  Glass can be warped when it is cold (using chemicals) or hot (using fire).  Cementation is used to paint stain glass windows.  There are many types of ceramics but what differentiates them is the type of material they are made from and the temperature that they are fired at.   There are many steps that must be completed for a ceramic to be made such as glazing. Glass fulfils many functions.  Laminated glass prevents shattering and is used in schools or sports buildings.  Bullet proof windows can be as much as 10cm thick. 
Through the eyes of the Sculptor:   There are many steps that must be taken before a sculpture can be completed.   It is easier to visualize/ have a detailed picture of a sculpture before it can be made.  Medium used for sculpting can be hard to acquire.

Q:  How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
A:  I remember in the text reading about how video cameras have really influenced art, and in the installation art video they talked about the affects of the video camera on installations. Types of glass  were described in the readings as well  in the video Glass and Ceramics, there were some things that crossed over each other such as china being described in the video and being shown in the book.  In the video through the eyes of the sculptor the process of sculpting a human figure was described and in the book a whole section of the chapter is about sculpting human figures.

Q:  What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?
A: I liked each film and they really helped me understand the reading from the text much better.  The topics of sculpture, glass and installation were really made clear to me.  The topic that I was the most confused about before the films was installation art but, now that I have watched the film I have a much better sense of what it is and what to do for my own.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Q: Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.

A: I thought that this process would be kind of fun, and I was excited that it had to be in colourbecause it meant that I would be able to use the paints again and create my own colours

Q: Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.

A: First I tried to think of what represented me and right off the bat I thought that I could turn my initials into things that I love to do or things that I like.  So then I did a bunch of sketches and brainstorming to try and get it going.  I eventually came up with L as a hockey stick, A as a cake with many different layers, and M as a stethoscope.  I chose these because I love to play hockey, I love baking and I would be able to create some great colours in the layer and I love taking care of animals and hope to be a veterinarian some day.

Q: What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?

A:  I would have to say that I learned how terrible of a drawer I was and that I had to keep it simple because if I tried to get too extravagant I would just make a terrible logo. 

Q: What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

A:  The most important information I learned was that the simpler the better because it gets right to the point and is easier for everyone to remember.  I liked the videos but, I already had an idea of what I was going to do before I watched them so they did not help much.


This is the Final Logo