Saturday, September 17, 2011

Elements and Principles Slide Show

I really enjoyed this week of taking pictures and trying to brainstorm on what to take pictures of and how to take them. The pictures I had the most trouble with were unity and shape, I just could not think of anything.  For the most part I had to create the picture that I wanted and for some such as texture, space and line I just saw the picture come to life before my eyes.  I did use some techniques to edit each picture, cropping and changing exposure, sharpness and contrast on a lot of them.  My favourite picture by far is the balance picture.  I just said to myself what do I think of when I think of balance, how do I balance, then it came to me...tree pose.  And then I thought that instead of just having a boring picture of me doing tree pose why don't I make it asymmetrical where I have a real tree at one side of the photo and myself in tree pose on the other side.  And it worked, I really liked the outcome of that picture.  A couple of the photos I had taken in the past such as colour, value and emphasis.  Colour and value I had previously taken in Hawaii this summer and I knew right away that they were ones that I could use, especially the Hawaiian flower for colour.  Emphasis was taken last weekend at a concert and I really enjoyed editing this picture to bring out the colour of my lipstick, my eyes, his skin and shirt, I like how with everything going on around us I was able to play with he shadows and highlights and make it like it was just him and I and nothing around us.  For unity I am Canadian and I was sitting there trying to think of something for unity the it came to me, I grabbed my hockey stick, my boyfriends skate and my Canadian winter stuff and created a picture that fit together, to someone else it may not seem to fit together but to me, its perfect.  For variety I was just getting ready one day and thought how cool a picture would look with my new red high heels and most of the things I use to get ready if I was to wear those shoes and it came together.  For space I was just sitting in my car the other day and saw a lone seagull standing on the light post looking around and noticed how much space he had around him, I edited the picture so you could see his outline better and I think it made it much more appropriate.  For movement I was originally going to use a fan but, my fan was not powerful enough so I had to use my blow dryer.  I like how nothing else in the photo appears to be moving though except my hair.  For line I noticed one day when I was walking to class how the bark on the trees around campus seems to be in groups of lines and then I took the picture and it seemed to work. Overall I enjoyed this project and I never noticed how much I enjoyed photography!
The link to the slide show is:
Link To Slide Show of Pictures
the password is: hockey5


  1. My favorite picture that you posted was the variety picture. You had everything you could ever possibly need to get ready. I enjoyed the different shapes in make-up, the straightener and your shoes. It was cool to read your thought process for the balance picture, and I agree I think having you and the tree both "balancing" really makes the picture! Nice work :)

  2. I really enjoyed all of your pictures for this particular project. Each of your pictures I could distinctly see which element was represented in picture. Great job!

  3. I thought your slideshow was so unique. Your pictures for texture and proportion were my favorite because they were so obvious and showed those elements perfectly yet they may not have even been realized because of their obviousness.

  4. I was impressed with your slideshow. It showed a lot of creativity and thought. I loved your variety picture because it describes you and how you like to look nice. I also loved the red lipstick you have on in your emphasis picture. I was also going to use a blowdryer for movement however I chose something different. Great work!!
