Friday, November 4, 2011

Video Discussion

1. I chose African Art: Legacy of Oppression, African Art, Buddhism and Hinduism because I am interested in learning more about what each video is about just from looking at the titles.
2. African Art: Legacy of Oppression: Belgium's Tervuren Museum has the largest collection in African art which was taken by an explorer from a long time ago, this collection has a quarter of a million works.  Some of the art is even naturalistic. Masks were named after the word for sinking feeling in the stomach.  The sculpture of the woman who is fertile shows how they would make works abstract so that things would have meaning and make sense to those in their society.  Many of the everyday objects or everyday people would be glorified.  Most of the art was believed to be magical.  The most frequent art is masks.  Belgians brought back objects from Africa.  Culture is all about the nature of existence.
 African Art :  Art is a daily thing in the life of people that live in Africa, it is shown in hair, clothes, houses, and other objects.  Anciecnt Africans art was most used for rituals and dance, mostly masks.  This material decomposes, that is why there are only 200 year old artifacts.  Utilitarian objects were embellished.  Everyday items are covered in symbolic meanings.  Most African art is not meant to present a living human or animals, it was mostly for spirits.  Texture is important.  Now that Islam and Christianity has taken over most of Africa, the objects that were once used for religious ceremonies are no longer needed.
Buddhism: The Buddah was a man who had everything and then one day he stepped outside into the real world and saw all the suffering that he had been hidden from then he meant a monk, and became and ascetic and meditated.  Once he awoke Buddhism was born, he was enlightened.  The gateway to the temple is full of carvings of the teachings of the Buddha.  Buddhism spilt into 2 groups, ones who want to go to nirvana in a boat, and then those who would find companions and wait.  Many medallions were carved  into a building that were an inspiration to a temple in Dali.  The temple of the countless Buddha, only has 432 of them but it took about 100 years to build and only lasted about 30years, then the temple was taken by a volcano, then it was found and restored in the 1990’s.  Some buildings have no pillers but are glued together, and creates an open area, the building was erected around the biggest Buddha statue that took 8 years to build.
Hinduism: The oldest city in India is also the most religious one.  The great River Ganges is a giant symbolism for Hinduism, life is for millions even billions of years of death and rebirth.  Hindu’s can worship anywhere.  Most temples are tiny, but so much is put into the elaborate decoration.  The temples are monuments of giving up things, such as the one dedicated to Shiva.  Many people wish to die in this city and are cremated on the shores of the Ganges, the flames liberate the spirit.  Krishna inspired cave art was made directed out of rock, called cave art.  The temple dedicated to Shiva is miraculous and has so much detail.  The source of all life is the great breath, a breath that brings humans to creation, and the cycle of reincarnation until they obtain liberation.  The Gods are symbols of ways to reach god.
3. The videos African Art: Legacy of Oppression and African Art relates to the text because in the text many of the African masks and rituals were described as well.  The video Buddhism relates to the text because it talked about how Buddhism came to be, the beliefs and some of the art and architecture. 
4. I think that these films were full of information, even some things that were not in the text, therefore, I learned a lot more about the topics in this week’s lesson and I understand them better.

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