Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Questions

1. I chose Velazquez, Albrecht Dürer: Image of a Master, The Drawings of Michelangelo and La Primavera because all of the titles appealed to me and seemed to be topics I wanted to learn more about.
2.Velazquez: velazquez was a genius when it came to painting and depicted his subjects with shadowy/smokey colours and paintings. he chronicled the life of king phillip the fourth.  he is part of the ,  the quartet of the greatest painters of Spain along with El Greco, Goya, and Picasso.
 Albrecht Dürer: Image of a Master: Durer was a key artist in the northern renaissance.  it is said that the renaissance in italy  may be in part due to his contributions as well as his ideas traveled to Germany.  The self portait of 1500 is a very famous painting by him
 The Drawings of Michelangelo : He was a key artist in his lifetime and even today, his drawings and final works can be compared better in this video thatn in a museum.  He is most famous for the sculpture of David and the painting of the sistine chapel.  He changed the world of art forever with his techniques and style
La Primavera: this painting was irratic and new and some see it as controversal but it was an epic painting by boticelli in this time period, the techniques he used also helped with how important the painting was.
3.These videos share some key concepts that are present in the text such as drawings of michelangelo that techniques and actual drawing are described also his importance to his period.  Boticelli's La Primaver is described as how it was created a how it was an emblem to the renaissance.
4.I liked all the films but in some points they seemed to drag along.  I think that the films helped me understand key concepts better especially the drawings of Michelangelo video.

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