Sunday, October 9, 2011

Installation Art Project

 Step 3
A. What is installation art?
A. an installation is a work where the entire space is used and it is three-dimensional.  The work can be entered and explored because it is off the wall and everything in the space is part of a single work.
B. What materials are used installation art?
B.In installation art any material can be used including natural things or everyday things such as icicles and tevlevisions.
C. Why make installation art? 
C.  Installation art is a way of expressing a theme in three-dimensions rather than making a single flat painting or a gray sculpture there can be many materials that all come together to encapsulate the point of the work.  The artist has much more freedom I think to be creative and use everyday materials.  
D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?
D. The installation I found most interesting from the text was Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirshhorn because it was so out there and over the top when I saw the picture and if it had not been described to me I would definitely have no idea what it was about. 

Step 4
A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?
A. Like I said earlier the work that really inspires me to think outside the box is Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirshhorn.  I think I have a connection with it because of all the elements involved and for the message it is trying to get across.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text)
(Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)
 B. I am not sure which theme I would like to explore because my first idea does not seem to fit into any of the themes except maybe Looking Outward: The Here and Now if I really stretch it.  Perhaps my second idea would fit into the theme of Politics and Social Order but, I fell more confident about my first idea.

 C. What materials will I use?
 C.  For my first idea which I think I have decided to go with I will use: mine and my boyfriends dirty laundry, the materials I use to wash them, the hamper and an empty towel rack.

 D. Where will this installation be located and why?
 D. This installation will be located in my washroom because that is where our laundry sits waiting to be washed everyday and I feel it is the most appropriate place for it.  Mostly I chose the washroom because it is the room with the open space to have a good picture.


Describe your installation:  My installation is called Laundry Day and it shows how much laundry I have to look forward to in the next day or two.  There are clothes of all different colours, and the materials I used to clean them all and then behind the hamper overflowing there is an empty towel rack which also represents that I am out of towels and it needs to be done.  The work was done in the washroom which I feel is an appropriate place for dirty laundry.

Analyze your installation:  My installation definitely uses colour and a lot of it.  This shows how many different articles there are to be done.  The size of my pile of clothes shows something that most likely a lot of college students go through, laundry day, because of all the homework and everything else some things get neglected, clearly in this case it was my laundry.  My work also uses variety and unity because there are a variety of different clothes but they all seem to come together to form this overflowing pile.  Balance is used in the manner of the clothes being balanced precariously on top of one another.   I created texture with the bright yellow dryer ball because they are spiky and hard compared to soft clothes.

Well, the planning of a site specific installation did not really seem to be that hard because I tried to find materials that were already at my disposal and the site just kind of fell into place.  The creation was fun because I could do whatever I wanted and there was not anyone who could tell me that I was doing it wrong, it was nice to plan something and create it without there being a right or wrong answer; it was very freeing. 

My Installation Laundry Day

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