Friday, October 21, 2011

Video Questions

1. I found these three videos to be the most interesting.  I judged the movies by the titles and I like these 3 the best.  Also, I chose the last 2 because I am interest in ancient Greece.

2.  More Human Than Human Images are created to make sense of the world around us, just like the caveman did with their art.  All art depicts the Human body to be perfect and to be something it is not, and it all started in Austria.  All over the world parts of the human body, in ancient times, were enlarged or depicted as more important where others were completely ignored.  I remember this Brain Scientist from an earlier week this semester.  Art is a stimulus.  Egyptians were the first settled civilization to use the human body extensively.  Egyptians created human bodies the way they did because it was part of their culture.  The trend of creating realistic sculptures of humans did not last very long and this is because the primitive instinct of humans to exaggerate things inhibits the interest of creating realistic images.  The Kritios Boy may be thought of as boring, that’s not what art is, it did not satisfy.  A Greek artist captured an athlete into four quarters, and two halves creating something more human that human.
A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript the first books were only produced by those who could read and write which were only holy men.  The first books took a very long time to put together by scribes who would not only have to write and put them together but, they had to teach the books.  Monks had to write ideas because they could not talk to eachother.  Scribes would start the day by writing a sentence that had all letters in it, and then have a prayer.  It was believed that the devil’s scribe would haunt scribes and be the reason they would mess up.  The first Liberal Arts Universities kept book for students.  Books became something for those at the top of the hierarchy.  Along came the printing press and moveable type that changes the world of books forever.
The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century BC To understand our lives and architecture, art, politics, philosophy etc we need to understand the history of Greece.  The architecture of then is key in the architecture we use here today.  The great awakening was the time in history of Greece when animals and humans were depicted realistically.  Theatres and comedy began in Athens.  And politics would also use the theatre.  Man is in control of his own destiny.
The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure The ancient Greeks were obsessed with the ability of form and soul of the human body.  The human mind and condition were tried to be depicted in the sculpture.  In the 6th century the Greeks moved away from the Egyptian style and moved toward the realistic forms of the human body, make an individual person.  Pottery was not considered great art but, was considered everyday art. Greek culture took over the Mediterranean culture, and eventually the whole world.  In the 5th century humans became the central object of all art. The Olympia Museum holds some of the best sculpture from this time.  All sculptures conveyed an exceptional amount of movement. 

3. Ancient Greek art was also described in the text as well as in 3 of the videos.  In more human than human everything in the video was described in the text that I read, what really stood out as similar was the discussion of Ancient Egyptians and the way the athlete was sculpted after the stage of realistic art in Greece.  I remember something in the text about how Priests would put together that readings so, that kind of relates to the video about books. 

4. Some of the films got a little dry, I did not enjoy the one about books.  The 2 videos about ancient Greece were very interesting and helped me to better understand the readings because I was seeing and hearing rather than reading.  The first video was very helpful because it covered almost all the topics covered in this week.  

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